The guys at work felt bad for me and I arrived on Wednesday to a pumpkin on everyone's desk. I think almost no one had carved a pumpkin before so it was a good time and the results were pretty great!
Jeppe is throwing some pumpkin guts into the bucket while Anders says something to him. I don't remember what it was, but he was probably making fun of him as he is fond of doing.
More guts! You'll notice everything is blurry because I forgot to change my camera settings in my pumpkin carving jubilation. Also, I'm lazy and don't feel like editing.
Jo had an idea and immediately went to work finishing before anyone else. Hers looked fantastic as well. Mads and Anders still scooping.
The results! From left to right, Anders, Mads, Me, Jeppe, Jo. Note that I come out looking like the amateur with all the pumpkin space left over. I had planned to put a lot more stuff above but time and technical (my knife was too big!) issues left me with some 'whitespace'. I'm still pretty happy though and it was a blast. Afterwards we went out to eat at the traditional Danish Chinese buffet where I ate kangaroo (delicious). It was the best 150kr buffet I've ever had. Though there isn't much in the way of Halloween here we are still throwing a costume party for which I just started planning my outfit.
Can you guess what I'm going to be? If you can't I don't know why we are friends.
Do you mean the animal Kangaroo or was it merely a dish called Kangaroo?
Sweet pumpkins though.
What's up with the whale design? As in, why did two people do essentially the same thing?
I actually ate kangaroo meat. Supposedly it was quite popular a few years back. The whale thing is a funny story. Basically, Jeppe messed up his pumpkin because he just started cutting holes in his pumpkin, so in the end he just had a huge hole in the front so he stole Anders cut out whale piece and just stuck it in the giant hole he made.
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