Where I entered you first come across a large bed of ordinary, but immaculately cared for flowers.
This space is very large and incredibly relaxing but the whole place was pretty vacant. Since it is in such close proximity I expected it to be teeming with people playing soccer or frisbee or anything. The only people there besides me were really couples pushing babies in gigantic strollers as seems to be the fashion here. By a small pond there was a family feeding the ducks. The bread is much heavier here, I bet the ducks fill up a lot quicker. And yes, I'm the creepy guy taking pictures of small girls in park.
I think this is part of the old Danish village that borders the gardens. It consists of houses that were disassembled, brought to this location, and then reassembled. I think of Boston being an old place, and for America, it is. However the houses here are over a thousand years old. Take that America. From what I can tell it's similar to a Sturbridge Village or Plymouth Plantation type of attraction if anyone gets that reference. This is not what windmills look like these days for sure. Wrong shape and certainly scale.
I never really realized how huge modern windmills were until I saw some pieces up close. This is a single blade, easily longer than an 18 wheeler.
I've got a lot of photos I need to catch up on, hopefully more shortly!
charlie! we miss you!
I bet they ain't got Saltwater Taffy!
Oh so chewy.
i totally went on a field trip to sturbridge village in the 5th grade
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