Note the real candles on the tree. I guess I've always thought of this as pretty dangerous but I was assured at the most there has just been a little smoke and never any real fires. Sweet! Anyway safety is probably the last thing you're thinking about while dancing around the tree and singing songs.
The food was also pretty amazing. Traditional Danish cooking is sort of weird just in that it's pretty straight forward, but also pretty delicious. It almost seems equal parts taste and tradition. Kind of like drinking schnapps at julefrokost, it's gross, but you keep doing it anyways. Here is the classic mother and daughter generational cooking method.
This method is called "drink until it tastes good".
And here's what's cooking! Just look at that pan full of sugar. That's what I call cooking.
Now the meal winds down with lots of wine. And it's almost time for...
Rice pudding! Now there is a tradition in which somewhere in the giant serving bowl of rice pudding (which really was quite large) there is hidden a whole almond. If you end up with this almond, then you get a prize, so it is in your best interest to eat as much pudding as you possibly can so as to increase your odds. Now the tricky part, if you get the almond the idea is to hide it as long as possible so that everyone else gets sick trying to eat all the rest of the pudding too fast. Just to you know, add a little injury to insult.
And this is what it looks like when you win. I've played this game twice now, and have won both times. I figure the odds of this are around 1 in 64 so I pretty much rule. The first time I won I didn't know the hiding the almond thing but this time I made so to hold on to it as long as I could, but trying to hide an almond under your tongue is only comfortable for so long.
After dinner it was time for a visit from santa! It was met with joy and a little confusion, but in the end it works out for everyone.
Glædelig jul!
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