Sunday, November 11, 2007

Stuff you don't care about

My camera ran out of batteries and I'm sort of scared to try to charge it because that last thing I used my adapter on (alarm clock) got fried. So instead a story. Last Thursday I went to a meeting of the Danish Flash User Group (DFUG) to see Mike Chambers and Lee Brimelow speak. It turned out to be a really good time and I met some really cool people. Long story short one of the people I met was Ralph Hauwert, one of the developers of papervision 3d, a 3d engine for Flash CS3. Still with me? Anyway talking to him was nice for more reasons than that neither of us speak very good Danish (though he is much better than I am) and we conversed in english. It got me excited about AS3 and 3d in general which brings me around to the point of this post and the black box below. This is my first attempt at 3D in a code based environment. To use it, click once to shoot a bunch of balls up and then press spacebar to pause it and rotate it with the mouse. When in that mode pressing shift will resume the balls falling. It's not much and though I pieced the code together from other examples for the most part, I'm proud. Also it's only 4k. Sweet. Flash is great.

PS. wu-tang put out a new mixtape on the internet and it's awesome. download it!

1 comment:

metaghost said...





Wu-Tang Clan ain't nuttin' to fuck wit'!