In the months building up to my arrival in Denmark, I had created an image of Denmark all my own (which I think it would be difficult not to) via daydreams and guidebooks. When you have something so specific in mind it is always a shock when things are completely different.
Coming from New York City, a mecca of happenings, I expected a city, albeit on a smaller scale, full of happenings and funny Danish art and music. The photo above is the first bit of Denmark I saw outside of airports and train stations. Not exactly NYC Jr.
Now a bit of honesty to the reader, I have now been in Denmark for somewhere around 3 weeks, so I won't pretend that I've been diligent and back-date entries. I guess I've been busy, but the more honest truth is 1. I have been lazy and 2. There really isn't much excitement. There is still plenty of things worthy of reporting on, so from now on I'll promise to carry my camera and make more of an effort here. So in a whirlwind, here is a synopsis of my past 3 weeks!
For the first two weeks I lived with a friend's parents. They were so incredibly kind, it was almost unreal. To add to my surreal experience they lived in perfectly picturesque home in a beautiful neighborhood. This is the back yard. This picture looks a bit hectic, but chalk that one up to my poor photography. On a nice day it was hard to walk outside without breathing one of those contented sighs.
Less than a minutes walk we reach the beach. Now I know I'm not showing much beach in these pictures but when I look back years from now I don't think I'll remember the beach as much as the feel of the beach, which I think these speak more to (for me anyway). I plopped down right here and read a bit of the book I had in my backpack, though I hadn't intended to. My intention was to go exploring a bit down the coast, but I really couldn't help myself. You should be getting the drill by now. Beautiful.
This is my parting memory of my two weeks spent in Risskov (ris-ko). While beautiful, it was a twenty minute bus ride to work and a bit far away from the city life. I have now moved bullseye in the center of the city and so far– it's terrific.
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